Five years ago today, I had my gorgeous girl. And I can still remember every moment of it, from the first contraction, to the puking, to the absolute relief of the epidural (finally), then the dilation stalling out, and the nurse explaining that they had to do an emergency c-section. Begging the doctors to please …
Monthly Archive: February 2008
Feb 06
so relaxed…
Marc has been home for the past two days. And it’s been so nice, having another adult here to bounce things off with, to help with the kids. Jess hasn’t whined in almost forty eight hours. It’s awesome. She’s really thriving on the extra attention from Daddy, and also from me, with Marc here to …
Feb 04
Went over to Annie and John’s to watch the big game last night. And it was wonderful – I mean, the Patriots lost, which was sad and depressing, but the night as a whole was great. Marc had been out with the guys in the afternoon, and I walked the kids down to the library. …
Feb 03
No Mommy Sleep In Days. Ever.
I lobbied hard for a morning where Marc got up with the kids and took them out. And it would have worked – except that I woke up with them and Marc didn’t. I had been pushing for him to get up with the kids and whip them out of the house before I got …
Feb 02
Sammy kissed the vacuum cleaner
It’s his favorite thing in the entire world. We finally had to work out a compromise, I let him vacuum first, then I get a really quick turn (when I try to get the whole rug done) and then I let him finish up. Last night, Jessie was a little clingy, and wanted me to …
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