In comparison with yesterday, at least. He only cried for about five minutes, and calmed down before I got back to the classroom with the adjustment counselor. I carried him in again, and did the hand off, his teacher took him out of my arms and held him back from chasing me out the door. …
Monthly Archive: September 2011
Sep 06
No pictures of this milestone….
(I’m linking to a Dare to Share post on the Lightning and the Lightning Bug website – the prompt was to write about a “big day.” The day Sam started kindergarten is one that I’ll never forget, and reading this post still makes me cry) The kindergarten drop off was horrific. Despite the fact that …
Sep 05
Please don’t make me do it
This was my first thought this morning, upon waking up and realizing that TOMORROW I send Sammy off to school. I’ve got a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. My head knows it’s the right thing to do, my head thinks that I’ve loved and raised him and part of his growing up …
Sep 02
The plan for Sam’s first day
The principal called today and had a nice long chat with Marc about my exceptionally anti-social five year old. I’m mostly relieved that the school is being so pro-active about making the transition to school as trauma-free as possible, but a tiny part of me is wondering if he’s the only kid getting this special …
Sep 01
Jessie’s first day
Here’s hoping that third grade kicks second grade’s butt! Last year wasn’t a lot of fun for my girl, and I’m very encouraged that she came home yesterday saying that she LOVED her new teacher.
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