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Monthly Archive: October 2011

Oct 29

Nursing a toddler

First, my disclaimer.  I’m a big fan of nursing.  Big.  In fact, when Julianna went on a nursing strike at three days old, it was one of the worst days of my life.  Postpartum hormones combined with no sleep made it impossible for me to grasp that not nursing her didn’t mean that I was …

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Oct 28

A typical afternoon at my house

Marc brings all the kids home from school at quarter of three.  On Mondays, Wednesdays and every other Thursday, Jess has either Hebrew School or Brownies, but today is Friday, so they’re all home.  Plus Jordyn is here because my friend Sara had to work until three.  Jessie came in, hysterical, because she had left …

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Oct 28

Because sometimes, Julie just wants Mama

I just send Marc into the school to volunteer with set up for the Bookfair tonight.  I had signed up originally and should be the one doing it, but I’ve been without my Julie girl a lot this week, and I miss her.  More to the point, I think she misses me.  And when she …

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Oct 25

An oldest child raising her children

I’ve been thinking a lot, of late, about the baggage we bring to motherhood.  About the lessons we learn about childhood and responsibility and growing up, and how that translates to the way we mother our own children.  I had, by many standards, an absolutely wonderful childhood.  I had a warm, loving relationship with my …

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Oct 23

Why I hate fruit snacks, sick Jessie, and holy moly – she’s actually walking!!!

Marc took my Samilicious Boy shopping yesterday.  Marc loves quality time alone with a kid, any kid, so he’s always game to bribe them into going shopping with him by letting them pick out a treat at the grocery store.  And my son, God bless him, always, always wants those disgusting sticky fruit things.  Fruit …

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Oct 21

Favorite Things Friday – Volume II

1.  On Wednesday (aka The Day Sam Lost His Mind Because of Art), after I dragged him out of the car, and passed him off to two teachers, who then dragged him into class, the school got Jessica out of class and had her come and soothe him.  As awful as that morning was – …

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Oct 20

Smooth sailing this morning

Which again begs the question – what is it about the art class that freaks my child out?  He was angelic this morning.

Oct 19

Poor little boy…

Sam doesn’t like art.  There.  I’ve said it.  He doesn’t like coloring.  Can’t stand painting.  Just flat out hates art class.  It’s been an issue for a while, with frequent references to “I hope tomorrow isn’t art class…” as he drifts off to sleep.  I’ve been very tricky about it, specifically not finding out which …

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Oct 18

Success, at last

My mother has a lovely habit of taking grandchildren out for special one on one time.  And Sam has steadfastly refused, from infancy, to go.  Ever.  And since quality fun, one on one time with Grammy is rarely achieved by dragging a kicking and screaming kid into the car, she’s never been able to do …

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Oct 17

Sukkah party

We had our first annual sukkah party this weekend.  Unfortunately, it was so cold that everyone pretty much ate at our dining room table, as opposed to outside in the sukkah.  What I like most about Sukkot, as a holiday, is that it’s really like you build a little Jewish clubhouse, decorate it up, and …

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