It’s the Jewish holiday where Moses received the Torah. And the wheat festival, apparently. But the main reason why we make a big deal about it is because it’s also when the Book of Ruth is read.
Last night, Marc made a fabulous dinner, chicken and cheese (so not kosher) calzone with ice cream for dessert. He told the kids the story of Moses and why we celebrate the holiday and then we read those beautiful quotes from the Book of Ruth to each other. We had wine (well, Marc had wine, I really don’t like wine) and Marc serenaded me with “I love you just the way you are” from Billy Joel. It was beautiful and I got all misty. Marc and I danced, and the kids came and snuggled their way into our embrace and it was just one of those moments when your heart is so full and you can’t believe how incredibly rich and blessed you are.
“Do not ask me to leave you, or to turn back from following you:
For wherever you go, I will go; And wherever you live, I will live;
Your people shall be my people, and your God, my God.
Where you die, I will die, and there will I be buried,
For nothing but death will ever part us.”
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