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Feb 07

Jessie’s seventh birthday

Still sounds odd – I have a seven year old daughter. Seven seems so much older than six, somehow. But it’s true, she’s seven. My Angel Girl, Miss Misery, Chicken, Jessie Bug Noodle – all the wonder that it is Jessica came into the world seven years ago, and my life has never been the same šŸ™‚

There’s something about a first child (I also think there’s something about second children, and youngest children, for the record). But your first – your first is the one that makes you a mother. And you never stop experiencing the “first time” with her. The first time she nurses, first time she smiles, first time she sits up, first word, first time I put her hair up, first time she crawled, first time she walked, first time I left her, first time she wanted Daddy instead of me, first time she ate solids, first time she walked, first time she slept thru the night, first time she slept in her big girl bed, first time she got herself dressed, first time she had a nightmare (and the night terrors – something I only experienced with Jess). First day of preschool, first art project coming home, the first time a strange little kid calls you “Mrs. Jessica’s Mom.” First parent teacher conference.

And can I just brag for a minute? Because Jess is exceptional not just because she’s my first – she just is. She’s amazingly bright, and incredibly spiritually perceptive. She’s heartbreakingly maternal, always gravitating to the youngest in any group. She’s a girl who seeks out knowlege, she likes to go to the library and get books on topics she’s learning about in school, just to learn more about it. She’s passionate and intense, everything is huge in her world. Yet she’s amazingly unaware of peer pressure, or of doing things to fit in. She’d rather dance to her own drummer than try to figure out what everyone is else is doing. She’s beautiful, with the most perfect face I’ve seen, gorgeous brown eyes, brown silky hair and the most perfect little rosebud of a mouth. I adore her. Absolutely flat out adore her.

Happy Birthday Jessica – your daddy and I love you so much more than you’ll ever know.

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