Last night, Jessie and I had a fight. Which is somewhat unusual, because we don’t generally do that. Not that we never clash, but it’s not generally a “fight” exactly. But last night, she was just flat out furious with me. It’s not unusual for her to get mad at me, because that happens. She’s …
Category Archive: Jessie
Apr 27
Daddy’s girl
My Jessica wasn’t ever really a Daddy’s girl. Not like the other three girls were. Lilli and Sarah were always close with him, and Julianna thinks the sun rises and sets with her Yaya. But Jessie was always my girl. Not that she didn’t love her Daddy, of course she did, and he’s always adored …
Jul 27
temper tantrums
At five and a half, shouldn’t she be outgrowing this tendency? We just survived a major freak out fit, all starting because I couldn’t take my baby girl to see the Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus concert that was in Worcester last year sometime. She barely managed to get herself under control when all hell broke loose …
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