Just a general round up post –
Marc took the middle three, Sarah, Jessie and Sam to the circus Saturday night. He had awesome seats, was in a luxury box, with a dessert buffet set up. The kids came home at nine thirty or so, so revved up on sugar that Sam literally couldn’t stop running thru the house. I was lying in bed with Julianna (halfheartedly attempting to put her to sleep) when they got home, and Marc and Jessie immediately started telling me about the circus while Sam impersonated the cannonball guy who was shot out of the cannonball while on fire (he did this by running laps thru the house, hurling himself into the bedroom and onto the bed, hollering “I’M ON FIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Jessie was raving about the cookies and I commented that they must have eaten so much junk food, and Sam hollered in as he passed by the room “I HAD FRUIT!”
Had a zillion kids over today, Leah and Devin plus one of Jessie’s friends from school. And a neighbor kid, oddly enough. We don’t really see other kids often in the neighborhood, but apparently Marc met her dad the other day and she bopped over for a while. We made vanilla pretzel cookies (so good) and then I randomly figured I’d whip up some chocolate chip cookies as well, because after all, the butter was already softened. So now my house smells delightful, and my kids are so hyper that they’re vibrating….
Julie has struggled with the kids home for the four full days. She has such a hard time napping when everyone is home, so she stays up later, naps around four or five, and then is up until midnight. Then sleeps later the next morning, napping later, and staying up later. It’s a vicious cycle, compounded by the fact that she’s still nursing – and far too busy during the day to nurse – so she likes to do it all at night. Consequently, I’m exhausted and she’s crabby – but this morning, I poked her awake (which I hate doing) and got her up around eight. She took a nice three hour nap this afternoon (I got her to sleep around 1:30), and I’m really, really hoping for a better night’s sleep tonight.
I’m reading a fascinating book, by Harold Kushner. I think I’ll probably blog more on this, because it’s such a thought provoking topic for me. The book is a discussion of the Book of Job. My biblical knowledge is sorely lacking, but this book thus far has introduced me to the concept that there are three statements, and only two of them are true. 1 – God is all powerful. 2 – God is completely good. 3. Evil exists. It’s shaking up my whole theology, or actually, it’s more addressing a theological debate I’ve been having with myself for the past ten years. Why do bad things happen to good people? Is there a reason? I want so badly to think that there is, and am reluctantly realizing that I’m no longer comfortable with that. It seems too simplistic, too childlike. Because really, sometimes life is unbelievably crappy, and believing that it all happens for a reason is cold comfort. Believing that I have the ability to change those things is even harder (http://musingsofawritermom.blogspot.com/2012/08/spirituality.html). I can literally only read it in small doses, so that I can pause to think about it. His book To Life: A Celebration of Jewish Being and Thinking was incredibly influential for me, and I think that this one, read five years later, might do the same thing.
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