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Jan 22

Friday freakout

I do this every Friday – plan a thousand things and then don’t have the desire to do any of it. Kept Jess home today to bring her to the dentist, which is so NOT fun for me. I’m terrified of the dentist, really, and keeping that fear from her, and watching her lay there and sob while they hurt her again and again (she got a cavity filled) is incredibly difficult.

Now I’m home, with fifteen minutes to kill before I have to go pick up Marc, then go get the other girls from school, come back home, cook dinner, clean the house and have a lovely Shabbat dinner.

I’m super tired – which is pretty normal for me these days. I’ve been dealing with a couple of garden variety pregnancy complaints, sciatica, leg cramps, general nausea and fatigue. Kids are both well, Jess is LOVING her day off from school. I could have sent her this morning and dropped her off afterwards, but life is short, and why not give her a day off once in a while? She’s been doing so well on our new program in the mornings, she hasn’t asked to stay home in weeks.

Sam’s thriving as well. Not potty trained at all, but that doesn’t bother me, honestly. I think I’m just used to changing diapers, and he’s got NO desire to start using the potty. Jessie didn’t train until a couple of months after Sam was born, so the thought of having two in diapers is no big deal to me. I’m starting to sense a little more peer pressure on this one – now that he’s done nursing, the only thing left to yell at me about is potty training. Oh, and the co-sleeping thing, but I keep that pretty well under wraps :-). He’ll grow up soon enough, using the potty and sleeping in his own bed, so I’m just trying to enjoy this time while it lasts.

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