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Jun 30


Not too much to write about at the moment. Normally, I’m bubbling over with topics, but lately, not so much. Anyone have any questions? Any ideas? Feel free to comment or send me an e-mail with topics – I could obviously use some inspiration.

Status updates…

Marc is doing well, not liking his job lately, but then again, he hasn’t liked it for a while now, but still keeps showing up šŸ™‚ His diabetes is basically under control, he’s on a new work out schedule, he’s going to the gym every other day, and while I still hate it, I have to reluctantly admit that it’s definitely working. He’s losing weight and seems to be happier. Not that he’s ever miserable, my husband is an uncommonly cheerful man, but it does help to keep him that way.

Jessica is in the middle of her first day of camp. And in classic Jessie style – is alternately hating and loving it. She’s getting so grown up, all long legs and big eyes, and I’m fascinated, watching her mature and grow into herself.

Samuel is also growing so fast. He’s starting preschool in the fall, and can’t wait. I worry that it’ll be hard for him, going without me. He’s been my buddy for so long, and I’m wistful and sad, just a little bit, that he’s growing up so fast.

Miss Julianna is so big. So literally big. She’s grown so fast and is so gorgeous. Heartbreakingly beautiful, I love her little face when she’s asleep, I could watch it for hours. She’s cooing and smiling and awake for longer and longer every day. I can’t remember life without her, it feels like she’s been here forever.

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