I don’t really do New Year’s Eve. It feels redundant to me, with Rosh Hashana as the Jewish New Year, and my birthday in January, I’ve already got the holiday covered. So having another day to celebrate another beginning of the same year… I’m okay with skipping it. That being said, I do have children who believe wholeheartedly in New Year’s Eve. Complete with take-out, a desperate attempt to stay up late enough to see the ball drop, and a rocking dance party. All of which we did last night. We rented Shrek Forever, I think it was called. The last Shrek movie, and everyone sat and watched it. Even Julie – and she’s not great with movies. But this one made sense to her, because the “Yaya was so sad.” She immediately got that Shrek was a dad who had lost his wife and his three kids (his Mama, G, Boy, and Baby). After the movie, the kids danced for a while. They danced to every song on the credits, and then we switched to the New Year’s show, and they danced to that. By 10:00, I was done, exhausted and could see that they were too. I took Julie off to bed, and then came in and got Sam. Sam was so cute, he said to me “I’ll just pretend the ball just dropped – YAY!” as he got into bed. Then I shut off all the lights, set the auto shut off on on the cable box for a few minutes after midnight and told Jessie and Glennys they were on their own.
So we’re up, rocking migraine and kids still bouncing off the wall. Glennys is going home today, and my kids are going to miss her incredibly. Jessie has already broken down sobbing three times over the fact that she was going home, and Sam and Julie… it’s going to be ugly. As much as they love having her come down, they hate having her leave.
I don’t generally post recipes here, mainly because I really don’t like to cook, and it’s so ridiculously easy to get recipes on line, it seems silly to put them here. But I found a couple of recipes this week and my kids LOVE them. One is for finnish pancakes. You take half a stick of butter, stick it in a pie plate, and melt the butter in a four hundred degree oven. While the butter is melting, mix together two thirds of a cup of milk, two thirds of a cup of flour, a teaspoon of cinnamon and suguar, and three eggs. Dump it in the pan when the butter is melted and bake for 20 minutes. After twenty minutes, pull it out and sprinkle more cinnamon and sugar on it, and then bake for another five minutes or so. It’s awesome. I also had my mother dig out her cinnamon bun recipe, and that’s kind of awesome as well. So I baked a lot this week, made chocolate chip cookies, lots of bread, and four batches of finnish pancakes.
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