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Oct 02


Several times, since Sam was born, I’ve found myself thinking that I’m glad I was able to give Marc a son. Even though I know it makes no logical sense, it’s the sperm that determines the sex, and truly, Marc loves his girls as much as his boy. But there’s something magical about his relationship with Sam and the older Sam gets, the more and more I see it. Sam is just in love with his Daddy. He hero worships him, Marc has the tools, he’s big and tall and strong, he can kill bugs, fix stuff, wears cool clothes and goes pee in the potty. Sam loves nothing more than being told he’s like Daddy – he likes wearing button up shirts, just like Daddy, wants boots just like Daddy, and lately – loves nothing more than sitting on Daddy’s lap and watching violent cartoons about superheros. Last night, Marc told me that he felt like he’d finally found someone in his family who was his kindred spirit. Sam loves the kind of dare devil, be careful or you might kill yourself sort of activities that Marc likes, he just instinctively gravitates towards that sort of stuff. And as much as it confuses me, I have no desire to jump out of a plane or hurtle myself thru the air, and I really can’t stand cartoons – it gives me enormous pride and pleasure to see my two guys loving each other so much šŸ™‚

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